
Various Publications (2021-)

Art Institutions - What Are They Good For?

Off The Block Magazine: We Are Here, Here We Are Issue

Commissioned by editor-in-chief Francesco Loy Bell to write about the current state of art institutions, the role of the artist, and the future of that dynamic.

"After a year in which those in power, who have told us for decades that things can’t be different, were finally forced to do different, we now have the opportunity to re-build, restructure, and re-design an industry in which, to exist, art institutions have to work for us."

Read the article in the We Are Here, Here We Are issue of Off The Block Magazine here.

Crab Farts

Oofle Dust Reading
Invited by collective Oofle Dust to read my short story Crab Farts for their digital event.

"Crab farts.
We never did understand each other when we spoke the same language.
Perhaps an honest meeting does not need translation."

Watch the reading here.